Ok, so here is the big question that has been eating away in the backs of all our brains.  What, if anything, is going to happen in 2012. What will happen to us as a civilization and what will happen to our planet in December of 2012? Will it be another Y2K “hide in fear like sheep from the wolves” syndrome?  We will all hide under our beds, meanwhile NOTHING is happening.  Or is the Mayan prediction accurate?  Will there be an event on a massive scale that may cause, whether from outside forces or generated from here on our own planet, mass extinction of human life?  You can cite any “prediction” through the centuries, whether it be the Mayan Calendar, Nostradamus, The Oracle at Delphi, Edgar Cayce, or any of the many other examples of pre-cognition through time, and you’ll see that for as many predictions that were accurate there were also nearly an equal amount of inaccuracies.  It is generally up to the reader or the person translating to determine if a given prediction matches up correctly and accurately enough to be seen as an actual event.  Therein lays the problem, since it is human nature for us to interpret things or any data we receive in our own way.  You can’t believe EVERYTHING you are told or read.  Including this!  That’s why it is so important for all of you to do your own research.  Dig deep!  Make your own conclusions.  Don’t take our word for it. Our information presented here is based on our own research, we give our own conclusions, and we welcome anyone’s theories.  Tell US what YOU think!  And please try and remain civilized here.  Thank you.

   If you look to the past, about 6000 years ago the Sumerians were the first known human civilization that just so happened to be very “modern”, that is, no longer nomadic hunter-gatherers.  They set up the first school systems, the first government, came up with the first form of writing, invented the wheel, the list goes on and on.  Now, they also had an unusual understanding of the heavens and the location of everything within our own solar system (and more), including a tenth planet they called Nibiru, which rotates around the sun at an extremely elliptical 3,600 year orbit.  According to interpretations by Zecharia Sitchin (among others) from clay tablets and cylinder seals found in modern day Iraq, this planet (Nibiru) is the home of the Annunaki, or “those who from heaven come”.   According to the Sumerians this race of beings has had a hand in human evolution through the centuries.  They have given us technology, education, and actually even engineered modern man, through combining their DNA with primitive humans, as slaves to mine gold for them.  There are many parallels in the Sumerian creation mythos and the accepted Judeo-Christian belief in the bible.  The parallels in ALL major religions are too vast to ignore when one truly examines the individual stories from era to era and from culture to culture.  The Annunaki created the “Adamu”, or to modern Christians, “Adam”.  The Epic of Gilgamesh is a direct parallel to the biblical tale of Noah and the Ark.  The comparisons go on and on, even into the story of Jesus.  You know the story, born of the Virgin Mary, began his ministry at the age of 30, was killed at the age of 33, and was then resurrected three days later.  Now, let’s look at Horus in Egyptian mythology.  Born of the virgin Isis, began his ministry at the age of 30, was killed at the age of 33 and was then resurrected three days later.  My point is this, “organized religion” has its place in the world, and that place is right next to my broken toaster oven at the garbage dump.  (Take for example the Catholic Church, one of the bloodiest, most evil organizations ever to exist; the Mormons slaughtered thousands of Christians; the Christians slaughtered the Jews; the Jews murdered Jesus; and so-on and so-forth, you get it right?)  We as a society have been so dumbed down through the news media, entertainment industry, and chemicals to speed up brain deterioration; all for the end purpose of making us believe the lies we are told, to keep us complacent, and lazy.  Lies such as “we are alone in the universe” or “the Swine Flu is gonna get you” or “that the government didn’t have prior knowledge or plan the attacks on 09/11/2001”.  If you can accept that simple fact, then accepting the other stuff is comparatively easy. 

      Is Nibiru going to be making a pass closer to Earth than ever before in 2012, causing massive extinction from earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, etc?  Will the Annunaki show up and help us out?  Or will the planet alignment through the solar system and the polar shift be the end of it all?  Or, will nothing happen and will our government institute its’ ‘Georgia Guide Stone’ plan for global domination, extermination of billions of people, one world government, one world bank, in essence, the New World Order?  Is THAT what the Mayans were talking about when they referred to the end?  Not a physical end of the world, but rather the end of human freedoms in which mankind is forced into slavery?  Wake up people.  The world is not as it seems.  Ask questions, do research, and READ A DAMN BOOK!